What Can I Do To Help New Believers in Jesus Christ?

The Bible likened faith in Jesus Christ to giving birth to a baby. It is called spiritual birth. Jesus told Nicodemus that he needed to be born again John 3:3, 5-8. Therefore, just as a baby born into the physical world needs a lot of help and support…

What Is the New Covenant?

Picture this: You’re at a family gathering, surrounded by laughter, love, and the tantalizing aroma of your grandma’s famous apple pie. As you eagerly anticipate dessert, your uncle bursts into the room, holding a beautifully wrapped present. “Surprise!” he exclaims, as he hands you…

How Do I Accept Jesus Christ As My Lord and Savior?

There are nearly 4,000 recognized faiths around the globe though almost 75 percent of the people in the world follow one of the five main faiths which include Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam. So, it is easy to assume that each time someone is called to accept Jesus…

How Do I Pray To God?

The spiritual life is sustained through constant communication with God and prayer is the means by which this communication is established. Prayer is indispensable! It is like the oxygen we breathe in to keep life going. One will begin to feel empty and unfulfilled when prayerlessness begins to set in…

How Can I Learn To Have Faith in God?

Faith is an indispensable spiritual commodity that every Christian should have. Faith is the currency of the kingdom of God. It is the legal tender by which believers on earth transact with God in heaven. Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for…

How Can I Encourage Others To Accept Jesus As Our Lord and Savior?

As believers, we have been called and commissioned to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to every nation. Jesus Christ died and rose again so that every human being can find salvation in the living God. “…by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you…

How Does God Help Me Through Troubled Times?

Many believe that they ought to be completely exempted from the challenges of life because they have put their faith in God. This mindset is why many have lost their faith in God. They fall into despair wondering why a good God whom they have served faithfully would allow bad…

How Does Jesus Give Us Hope?

The world today is plagued with a wide range of crises. From natural disasters, terrorism, war, diseases and bad governance, there is an increasing threat to the modicum of hope in the hearts of people. Some of the symptoms of hopelessness include discouragement, depression and suicide. According to the world…

What Is God’s Grace?

Grace is a very common theme in the Bible especially in the New Testament. As a matter of fact, Grace, together with truth is said to come through Jesus Christ (John 1:17), the Mediator of the new covenant or testament (Hebrews 9:15). There are 146 uses of grace…

Who Is Jesus?

The question Who Is Jesus looks quite straightforward and it is easy to simply go on Google and get all the information we need about Him. It is easy to regurgitate everything we have learned about His Jewish history in church or religious gatherings and just assume that we know…