How Can The Lord Help Me With My Loneliness?

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

 Deuteronomy 31:8

Loneliness is an emotion that every person faces at some point in their life; and yet, though it may be common, it certainly isn’t desirable. Loneliness can be devastating; it can keep us from doing the things we want to do and living the way we want to live. And if we let it get the best of us, it can even change how we view ourselves. But as with all afflictions, we can be healed. Not simply with time, but with the help of a great Healer: Jesus Christ.

When we’re at our loneliest, it can be difficult to believe that anyone actually cares about us. But the truth is that even when no one on this earth seems to care, God is with us always – especially in the midst of our pain. In a way, loneliness can help us to see that our worth does not come from other people, but from God, who pursues us no matter what. When we realize just how much He loves us, we begin to grow in our faith. We learn to trust Him and be satisfied right where we are. Sometimes, we simply need to be reminded that He is all we need.

Now, this is not to say that we should live in loneliness forever. From the very beginning of creation, in Genesis 2:18, God declares, “It is not good for man to be alone.” Humans were made to be social; we laugh together, we cry together, and we bear one another’s burdens. Most importantly, we point one another toward Christ – or we should, at least. If you don’t currently have that kind of supportive spiritual community in your life, chances are, God is working to open up opportunities. God knows exactly what we need, and if we truly desire something that will glorify Him, He will not deprive us of it. In this situation, we should pray for patience and wisdom, so that we can wait faithfully and recognize God’s will for our lives.

On the other hand, maybe it’s our turn to act. God may want to ease our loneliness, but we have to let Him. There are steps we can take to change our situation. For example, if you aren’t already involved in your church, get involved. Join Bible studies and other groups filled with people who share your interests and love for God. If you’re a bit on the shy side, don’t be afraid to step out of your bubble. God may just reward your faith with something unexpectedly amazing. There’s no telling the many ways in which God can transform our loneliness into joy. It may not happen overnight, but we have to realize that loneliness is just a season. And when we trust in Jesus, it, too, will pass.


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