How Can We Spread the Gospel to Others?

David sat in a crowded café, waiting for his friend. As he sipped his coffee, he overheard a conversation at the next table. A young man was venting about how lost he felt in life. David hesitated. Should he say something? Would the stranger be offended? Then he remembered when someone shared the gospel with him in a similar moment of uncertainty.

Taking a deep breath, he leaned over and said, “Hey, I couldn’t help but overhear. I’ve been in a place where life felt empty. But I found something—or rather, someone—who changed everything for me. Can I share my story with you?” That small step led to a life-changing conversation. This story illustrates how simple moments in our daily lives can become divine opportunities to spread the gospel.

Jesus Christ gave a clear command to His disciples just before He left the world, and consequently to us: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15. Since commands are meant to be obeyed, it is the responsibility of every believer to “preach the gospel to all creation,” this implies that every person we meet deserves and needs to hear the gospel.

However, a question that often confronts us is: How do we share the gospel with others? Like David in the story above, we are often unsure of what to say, how to say it, and whether the timing is right. We may also feel inadequate to share the gospel.

Here are some practical ways we can spread the gospel effectively:

1. Give Yourself Over to God

Sometimes, our challenge is not that we don’t know how to share the gospel, but that we have not yielded ourselves to God. We are preoccupied with serving our own purposes and making ends meet. The gospel is not a priority. We are not seeking His kingdom first.

Knowing how to spread the gospel begins with realigning our priorities. We must allow Jesus to become the Lord of our time. When we do, it becomes less difficult to find opportunities to share the gospel.

2. Live Out the Gospel

The most powerful way to share the gospel is to preach it with your life. Live in such a way that, without speaking, people can see Jesus in you. No matter how many words we speak, our message will be ineffective if we live contrary to the Word of God.

This is why Jesus referred to us as witnesses—people who have experienced and are experiencing the power of the gospel. It is easy to share what you have genuinely encountered.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden” Matthew 5:14. Isaiah 60:3 reinforces this truth: “The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Our lives must shine before others, drawing them to Christ.

3. Share Your Personal Testimony

Your personal story is one of the most effective ways to share the gospel. While Bible stories are powerful, the gospel becomes even more relatable when people see its impact in your own life.

A genuine experience of salvation is indispensable—you cannot give what you don’t have. Sharing your personal testimony is also a non-confrontational way to evangelize. People may not believe in the gospel yet, but they cannot deny your testimony.

In John 9, the blind man who was healed by Jesus confidently told the Pharisees: “One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see” John 9:25. Paul also frequently shared his conversion story on the road to Damascus whenever he had the opportunity to preach.

When you are unsure of what to say, your personal story is a great place to start.

4. Be Creative

Avoid being too formal or rigid in your approach. Evangelism doesn’t require a professional method—just a willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit. Look for creative ways to start conversations about the gospel.

Jesus did this often. He used language and situations familiar to His audience. When calling Peter and his brothers, He spoke in their terms as fishermen: “Come follow Me, and I will send you out to fish for people” Matthew 4:19. They immediately understood and followed Him.

At the well in Samaria, Jesus used water—something the woman needed—to introduce Himself as the Living Water. Paul also applied this approach in Athens when he saw a temple dedicated to an unknown god. He used it as an entry point to preach Jesus Acts 17:23.

There is always a creative way to share the gospel if we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

5. Engage in Practical Evangelism

There are many simple yet effective ways to share the gospel, including:

  • Using gospel tracts—Give them directly to people or leave them in strategic places.

  • Inviting people to church or Christian programs where they can hear the God’s Word.

  • Using social media and digital platforms—Write posts, share videos, or use live streams to reach a larger audience.

  • Taking advantage of personal occasions—Weddings, birthdays, and special gatherings provide opportunities to introduce Christ.

Ultimately, spreading the gospel starts with a willingness to obey the Great Commission and making yourself available. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” Luke 10:2. Will you enlist as one of God’s workers?

God has promised to be with us as we share the gospel: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” Matthew 28:20. Step out in faith and be a messenger of His Good News today!

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