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How Can God Help Me With My Grief When I Have Lost Someone?

Death is a reality. Unfortunately, we don’t take it serious until someone very close to us dies and we are gripped with grief. Suddenly, we realize that we will never see the person again. It becomes more real with passing days and we are forced to accept a…

How Do I Become More Confident in Myself with The Lord’s Help?

Confidence is an inevitable virtue for a victorious Christian life. It takes confidence to face challenges and overcome. It takes confidence to accept our mistakes and correct them. It takes confidence to be responsible in life. We need confidence to speak in the public without fear especially in preaching the…

Understanding The Trinity

There is no other Christian doctrine that has defied our comprehension like the doctrine of the Trinity, yet this doctrine is basic to our faith. It is one of the doctrines that distinguishes a Christian from the rest of the world and all other faiths. To deny this doctrine is…

How Can The Lord Help Me With My Loneliness?

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”  Deuteronomy 31:8 Loneliness is an emotion that every person faces at some point in their life; and yet, though it may be…

Should I Have Patience?

Patience is defined as having the ability to accept, wait, tolerate delays without getting upset or angry and remaining calm despite the difficulties or suffering that it may cause.     Did you know that God has chosen us and by this he calls for us to be patient? Yes, he does…

How Do I Get Courage From The Lord?

Everyone feels fear especially when we encounter situations beyond our capacity. What makes the difference is what we do when we are afraid. Courage, therefore, is not the absence of fear but the gumption to act in spite of fear. Unfortunately fear has kept many people back. They lack the…

How Do I Keep Hope Alive?

Almost everyone anticipates something good especially when there is a prior promise. This is hope. It is that earnest anticipation or confident expectation that comes with believing something positive. Hope is built on faith. Unfortunately, things do not happen the way we expect or when we expect them. We suffer…

How Can I Be At Peace?

We are faced daily with things that threaten our peace both from the internal and external environments. People are depressed, diseased, sick, sad, and heartbroken. We hear news of terror, earthquake, corruption, recession, and all kinds of evil that puts us in fear. The biblical word for peace, “shalom…

How Do I Know If I Have Faith In God?

This question is one that many people may be wondering about.  Faith is belief and trust and loyalty to God.  Faith is defined clearly in Hebrews 11.1, “now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” You may believe that you…

Does The Lord Forgive Me?

The Lord does forgive us and understands that we are not perfect and that we do make mistakes.  In this world, there are many forces that may put us in a direction or path that may not be where God is leading us to go.  You may decide at a…