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Category: Articles

What Is God’s Grace?

Grace is a very common theme in the Bible especially in the New Testament. As a matter of fact, Grace, together with truth is said to come through Jesus Christ (John 1:17), the Mediator of the new covenant or testament (Hebrews 9:15). There are 146 uses of grace…

Who Is Jesus?

The question Who Is Jesus looks quite straightforward and it is easy to simply go on Google and get all the information we need about Him. It is easy to regurgitate everything we have learned about His Jewish history in church or religious gatherings and just assume that we know…

How Do I Listen To God In My Time of Crisis?

The ability to hear God’s voice is the ultimate secret to victory over any crisis situation. With God’s leading, you can find solutions to problems that confound you. It was God’s voice through Moses that helped the Israelites not just to escape Pharaoh but also cross over…

Why Is Christmas Celebrated By Christians?

There have been different schools of thought on whether it is appropriate to celebrate Christmas or not. Some have said that December 25 is not the actual birthday of Jesus Christ. Others say that Christmas day used to be a day dedicated to the celebration of a heathen god. Irrespective…

How Do I Find Rest In A Busy World With God’s Help?

A lot of hustle and bustle goes on in the world today. People are worked up. People are busy, and most of the time with unproductive work. People cannot show tangible results for a supposed busy day. So many people who seem to be externally successful are struggling internally. Mental…

How Can I Encourage Others To Pray?

Paul gave Timothy this advice to help him: “I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I continually remember you in my prayers,” 2 Timothy 1:3.  Being thankful for the people the Lord places in our lives…

How Can I Bring Hope To Others Through God’s Grace?

We are asked to be ministers of our heavenly Father’s grace to others in response to the abundance of grace bestowed upon us. We will never feel full freedom unless we release others from having to live up to our expectations. Living without an attitude of constant grace…

What Does It Mean When We Ask For Repentance From God?

Many people think of repentance as a turning away from sin. Regretting sin and turning away from it are both related to repentance, but they are not the same thing. The term repent means “the act of leaving what God has prohibited and returning to what he has commanded…

How Does God Help Me To Forgive Someone?

Forgiveness is the act of pardoning someone especially when they have done something wrong to you. This is one of the biblical principles that is very difficult for most people to practice. This is because the nature of mankind has always been tit for tat, that is if you wrong…

What Does It Mean To Celebrate Jesus Christ On Christmas?

 For most people, especially in the West and other parts of the world, Christmas is one of the most important Christian and cultural holidays of the year. Every year, as the fall gives way to winter and the snow covers the ground with flashy lights on our streets and decorated…