How Can We as Christians Help Others to Move from Doubt to Faith?

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

 2 Corinthians 5:7

All of us have doubts from time to time. This world is full of tragedies that can cause us to wonder if God is truly good or if He even exists. But as we grow deeper in our walk with Christ, we learn to let go of that doubt and trust in Him. As we go through life, it can be hard to watch our non-believing friends struggle with that same doubt. As Christians, we are called to be a light to the world around us; we are meant to come alongside hurting people and point them toward the love of Christ. So how can we help them to overcome their doubts and come to faith in Jesus?

First, we can share our testimonies. We should talk openly and honestly about how God has worked in our lives. When someone is in a place of doubt, they don’t need a list of facts, statistics, and scientific evidence to convince them. They need to hear the experiences of real people who were once in their shoes. We’re just as imperfect as they are, and yet God had mercy on us. Jude 1:22 commands us, “And have mercy on those who doubt.” What would it look like if instead of judging non-believers, we treated them with the compassion that God has showed us?

Another vitally important thing we can do is encourage our friends to keep digging deeper into the hard questions of life. It’s all too easy to dismiss the questions we don’t have answers to or to act like those questions aren’t valid. We should use our knowledge of scripture to answer what we can and provide resources for them to study on their own: and that includes the Bible. Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Ultimately, the only thing that can change a heart is the Word of God. Pray that the Holy Spirit would open their hearts and minds as they seek the answers to their doubts.

Finally, we should live out what we believe. As followers of Christ, we are meant to be imitators of Him in every way. The goal is to live a life so authentically rich toward God that the world is amazed. Every time we choose faithfulness, every time we choose obedience, we are a living testimony to those around us. We may not realize it, but our non-believing peers are watching us. They’re wondering what it is that makes us different. They’re wondering why we’re so joyful, why we’re so hopeful, and why the doubts they struggle with have no hold on us. If we want others to come to faith in Christ, we must first live like that faith is real. Pursue Christ, and love His children. The rest will fall in place.

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