How Can Prayer Help You?

One of the biggest mistakes that we can make as Christians is having an incorrect attitude toward prayer. Many believers, intentionally or not, have a skewed perception of prayer; they see it and approach it as something that it is not. For instance, prayer is not a slot machine that…

What Is The New Covenant?

A covenant is an agreement between two parties. In this context, it is God having a covenant with His people. To have a New Covenant means that there was an Old Covenant which may have been good yet has lived out it’s time and allowed space for the new…

I’m Praying

"I'm praying can't you see, I'm walking can't you see, I'm talking can't you see, I'm looking can't you see, I'm thinking can't you see, I'm listening can't you see, I'm crying can't you see, I'm laughing can't you see, Oh yes the Lord can see me he sees everything."
Tanya Nocita

What Is The Trinity?

The word ‘trinity’ is not found anywhere in the Bible yet it defines the doctrine of the unity of God, The Holy Spirit and The Son Jesus Christ. The doctrine of The Trinity is one distinct belief for Christianity. This doctrine stipulates that Jesus Christ was truly God, and yet…

What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

These days, it seems that there are so many different “versions” of Christianity. There is always someone with a new interpretation, a denomination, or a new definition of what it means to be a believer in Christ. In the midst of all the confusion, it can be far too easy…

What is The Gospel?

The world has a wonderful gift from the almighty God called ‘The Gospel’. The gospel is also called the ‘Good News’ and indeed it is good news packed for whoever is willing and ready to receive it. The Gospel was planned in Heaven and saints of the Old Testament were…

Love Thy Neighbor What Does This Mean?

The keywords in the instruction ‘Love thy Neighbor’ are ‘love’ and ‘neighbor’. These keywords are used in general English vocabulary yet they have a distinctly differing biblical meaning. Indeed this is a command from God which all believers should observe. To explain this instruction, the approach this article will take…

How Can God Help Us To Defeat our Sinful Nature?

“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8 KJV Man was created in the image of God, to be…

A Ray of Light Shines Through

"Just when you think life kicks you down, when you think you can't stand up, can't take it anymore, can't go any further, this is when all of a sudden a ray of light shines through and there comes the chance when you bounce back, stand up and then you rise and realize that God has got me through it all."
Tanya Nocita

Family Is Love

"Family is love, family is us, family is the cornerstone of our heritage and helps us define who we are. Family is sharing a mutual bond guided by our roots. Family is sacred, family is who you can rely on in good and bad times. Family is strong, everlasting and will always be there for us because our family is built on the foundation of our belief in God and our love for each other and with that, our family will continue to endure."
Tanya Nocita