Literally, atonement is the action of making amends for a wrong or injury. It is the concept of a person taking action to correct previous wrongdoing on their part or some other expression of feelings of remorse. It is repayment, reparation, restitution, redress or redemption of sin. The activity involved…
The letter of Paul to the Ephesians church spoke copiously on the need to live in unity with one another, especially as God’s children. The letter made it clear, right from the beginning, that God wants unity. His purpose is “to bring unity to all things in heaven…
To seek something is an attempt to find that thing. It is to search, hunt, look around or about for something. The word “seek” implies that something is lost or not at our disposal. We don’t have what we seek which informs the need to find it. Matthew…
According to Worldometer, over three million people have tested positive for the Coronavirus with about 244,773 deaths globally as of May 2, 2020. Apart from the direct health effect of the disease outbreak, there are the economic, psychological and spiritual implications of the pandemic. Many people have lost their…
Depending on the Lord is the paramount thing to every Christian. He is the source of our life, He is the reason we are saved. The Lord knows the best, He has been in existence before us so He knows the right thing for us Jeremiah 29:11 “For I…
Jesus of Nazareth is perhaps the most fascinating man in all of human history. For millennia, people have been divided over who, exactly, this mysterious figure was. Some say he was a good moral teacher. Some say he was a prophet. Some say he is the Christ, the Son of…
One of the things that we Christians pray for is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. All we know about the Holy Spirit is that Jesus promised that he would come and help us with things including spiritual things. The Holy Spirit is part of Christianity, one of the…
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you…” James 4:8 Many people think of God as some distant being, with no interest in the world he created. But God’s character is not one of indifference; it is one of love. The Bible tells us that…
What many Christians know about God is that He is powerful and works miraculously. Psalm 92:5 “O Lord, how great are Your works! Your thoughts are very deep.” The Bible also made it clear that our body is God’s temple and God is in us dwelling in our…
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17 Faith is a central theme all throughout the Bible, and it’s easy to see why. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as, “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen…