Serving Others What Does This Mean?

Serving others in a Biblical context is not easy to satisfy yet every believer is called to it. Jesus Christ who is the leader of Christians is a perfect example of what serving others means. Demonstrating with His own life, Jesus enlightened us on the results and benefits from serving others.

In the Gospel of Matthew 20:26 – 28 and Mark 10:43 – 45, we see Jesus addressing the subject of serving others where He states it clear that to achieve greatness, one must serve other people. The most important declaration which may have also surprised His disciples was when he said “…for the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,…”. This makes serving others a Christ-like service and therefore it automatically becomes a mandatory practice for believers.

The Bible, particularly the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), document Jesus’ works of service while He lived in this world. Even though it was for a very short moment, it surely must have not been easy for Jesus to leave Heaven and its beauty to dwell in this sinful world. It called for such an unimaginable sacrifice from both God the Father and Jesus Christ Himself, which is a demonstration of the love God has for mankind.


Examples of serving others


Loving others  

The call to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ is one very important service that demonstrates a believer’s love for his fellow brother. Just as sharing the Gospel is the only way people can be saved from eternal damnation of hell after this life, then sharing it is a true sign of love.

It was love that made God give His son for the ransom of many. The Bible then teaches us to love one another (Matthew 22:39). To explain the type of love required from believers, Jesus said it should be love as good as that of loving one’s self. Such love should be shared even with those that are not Christians as well as those who are enemies of Christianity.


Caring for others 

When we read Galatians 6:2, we learn that Jesus has another law that believers must fulfill. This law is the act of carrying each other’s burdens. This may call for offering and sacrificing with one’s material things and resources to make someone else’s burdens lighter. Jesus instructs believers to give whenever a person asks and never to turn away the one who wants to borrow something from them (Matthew 5:42), it does not matter what that thing may be.


Flexibility and sacrifice

In Matthew 5:41, Jesus teaches on being flexible to give more than the requested service. Jesus puts no limits while carrying out such a practice, which means in a believer’s everyday life, there should be flexibility and the willingness to sacrifice.

In practical terms, the quality of flexibility and sacrifice should be seen at work, in community service and in churches. The Christian should be the last one to stop working and when it calls for it, he or she must give even more in terms of time and resources.


The Bible gives far more examples of works of service that a Christian can do. It is clear that there is no excuse that a believer can give for not serving others. This is because one does not need money neither does he or she need to be wealthy in order to serve others but a mere word of prayer for another or being available to help is good enough in the sight of God.

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